30 000 projects with Online Voices!
Today, Online Voices reached its 30,000th project. The anniversary order is to produce a multilingual audio guide for one of Sweden's most famous museums.
Another award for our hard work and amazing staff.
Our CEO, Kalle Widelius, thought he was heading for a lunch meeting and presentation on global economic trends along with 150 business people at the Elite Stora Hotel in Linköping. He could never have expected what happened next. Completely taken by surprise, Kalle was called to the stage to receive the award for Company of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2018.
Kalle Widelius and Malin Annerud, two of the company’s directors and co-owners, were given a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a diploma for their work in making their company into a market leader in Sweden. Together they tried to explain what it was that has made the company so successful.
“You need three things to be successful.” said Kalle “Luck, timing and talent”
“We came into an exciting branch at exactly the right moment. We got to ride the wave of digitalisation and internationalisation. Every year, we’ve worked hard to move forward and really be the best in our field. Then there’s the talent within the company; together we have a really fantastic team.”
Kalle also took the opportunity to thank the Chairman of the Board, Håkan Dahllöf, as a major reason for the company’s success. “Without him, we wouldn’t be Number One in Sweden. Whenever I feel that the challenges are insurmountable, Håkan calms me down with his classic quote: ‘We’re not going to try and eat the whole elephant in one bite, let’s do it one piece at a time.’
The prize is awarded by Swedbank, Deloitte, Framgångsrik försäljning (Successful Sales) and The Elite Stora Hotel in Linköping. This is Online Voices and Kalle Widelius’ second notable award, having previously won ‘Business Person of the Year 2013