

30 000 projects with Online Voices!

Today, Online Voices reached its 30,000th project. The anniversary order is to produce a multilingual audio guide for one of Sweden's most famous museums.


NTM new majority owner

It is with pleasure that we can announce today that Online Voices has a new majority owner, NTM - one of Sweden's most established companies in media production.


New HQ for Online Voices

Today we celebrate our new HQ, same city but new address.


New podcast studio in Stockholm

We're happy to welcome our Swedish based clients to our new Podcast studio. 5 people plus remote guests can be recorded in this rooftop house, right in central Stockholm.


25 000 Projects & Trends for 2021

Today Online Voices reached a historic milestone, with a booking that turned out to get project number 25 000!


Online Voices nominated in One Voice Awards!

We are very proud to announce that we’ve been shortlisted for this year’s One Voice Awards in the UK – Online Voices is nominated in the category for best voice website of the year.


Online Voices turns 20 years

Happy birthday to... our company! Turn on your speakers and follow our journey in this celebrations film.

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Female voices more popular than male voices

1938 was the first time a female newsreader was heard on Swedish Radio. Her name was Astrid Kindstrand. Many listeners were shocked and even upset. Today, eighty years later, a new milestone for female voices in the media has been announced.


Online Voices – Company of the Quarter

Another award for our hard work and amazing staff.